Sunday, January 10, 2016

Episode #8 Player Feedback Topic : Tell us about the gamer types you love or love to hate!

If you have spent any amount of time playing video games that involve grouping up with or playing around other humans, you may start to develop a deep feeling of positive and/or negative emotions for certain types of players or personality types.

There are the supportive kind, the competitive  kind, natural leaders, the takers, and givers, the dictators, the demanding, the supportive, the jealous, the grouchy, the hermits, the friendly, the passive, the controlling, those thirsty for attention, those with agendas, those looking for love and those who are allergic to loyalty, the saboteur, and of course the all around Troll. 

The longer you game, the odds that you will cross paths with every type of gamer listed above are increased, but then again you will run into these people out of your pixel world just as easily as in game! 

So how do you survive?

On episode 8 we would love to hear your favorites and those you can play without!

Tell us a story of the dreamiest of players who have crossed your path and/or those who gave you nightmares!

How did you deal with them? 

You can answer below, you can email us at chicsthatclickcast @gmailot)com. You can DM  us on twitter @chicsthatclick!  We also honor all requests for anonymity 100%!  

We look forward to discussing this on Episode 8 of:

Esme Out!

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